Hello Tightwad worshipers, Last time we met I had just put the bike back together after the outing to the dyno. The 23rd July came along and off i went to Mallory park to give it a good run. The practice sessions start at 1-30pm and you get quite a bit of testing time for only 49quid.
I managed to get a lift with fellow racer Steve Conneely even though he was not taking his bike along, he just thought it would be funny to watch my budget build blow up on the first lap.
There were a small contingent of scooters there, Paul Green, Scotty, Chris Taylor and I made a nice little group in one corner of the paddock. Much interest was taken in the Tightwad racer and most were interested in the fact that it has a bit of chrome on it. Now Chris Taylor had taken his sidecar as well and on closer inspection we noticed it had no engine. On even closer inspection we noticed that the engine for it was not in one piece either. So while he set about putting it together I set out for the first session.
The paddock was quite full for a Wednesday and the first session was for the smaller slower bikes. Now there were not many slower than me there so i went out in that group. As i exited the pit lane onto the track the bike felt good from the word go. No wobbles or vibrations and it felt tight and positive. The engine of extreme hope seemed to pull quite well and i set about putting in five laps and then back in to inspect any issues. A quick look round and everything looked good. By this time Paul green was ready to go out and so i tagged onto the back of him for another few laps and then back into the paddock to let it cool down and put some fuel in. It was good to pace myself against paul as his power output is not too far above mine and he was running on unleaded as well.
The second session saw me push the bike a bit harder and try and get comfortable on the corners. I thought i was cornering like a demon until a kid on a 125 blasted past me up the inside of the hairpin. I was following Paul around for a while and then i pushed on for a bit to work on some of the corners. Now this was not easy as i spent half the time diving out of the way of some battling bikes that thought it was a race and not a practice. I managed about 8 laps and then went back in to get a drink.(it was a very hot day)
The third session i spent riding round with Paul again who is struggling with Gerards bend. It would seem that slower, tighter corners are what he is experienced with but long flowing fast corners are a bit of an issue. I thought i would try and help out by cruising around the outside of him and see if he tries to beat me out of the bend. This seemed to work and he got faster and faster and of course his lap times got quicker. Over the rest of the lap the two bikes were pretty evenly matched and this was great fun trying to race each other. Before we knew it we had done 15 laps and the session had finished.
After the bike had cooled down i found i had sprung an oil leak. The chaincasing had been welded years ago and not very well and had fractured. No matter i will sort it out and be ready for Anglesey. A good days testing And had a lot of fun as well. I am surprised that none of the other racers came along. Its better value than a track day.
The bike was brilliant and the spectators all thought that is seemed fast enough to race. Some lap times were taken when i had a clear track and i think it should be quick enough to not get left too far behind. The jetting was not altered yet so it will get faster over the race weekend as i start tweeking it.
So there you are all in one piece and no blow ups.
Let do a quick.....
TightWads Alternative Tuning (T.W.A.T)
Increase your speed by waiting for someone faster to come past you and then grab hold of the back of him. This will speed you up and slow him down. (footballers do it all the time)
Tune in next week when i will be selling pieces of Weston pier to American tourists. (got to be worth a few quid)