Hello once again my worshipers,
Last time we met I had just raced the bike for the first time and it has to be said that it was not the fastest bike out there but it was not the last one over the finish line either. The engine got a bit left behind on the long straights and the rider needed some more practise.
The next race was at Lydden in the cunt kentryside, sorry Kent countryside. This circuit is quite short and not very technical and features Hairy hill. This hill has to be seen to be believed as it is very steep. Anyone with low hp and a narrow rev range was going to suffer there and i was no exception.
Race one started with me half way up the grid. Two strong finishes at Anglsey meant that i had qualified in mid field which is much better than before. I managed a very good start and got into the first corner quite well and even though it was a bit tight due to the numbers i came out f it a few places better off. As we all headed down the back straight i got overtaken by most of them and even got straight lined by all the 70cc zips. Over the course of the race i just got my head down and got on with it. I got passed by one or two racers who quallified badly but seemed to find my usual place near the back with Bullit and Pellit trying to catch Eddie Goode and Martin Wing.
Race two was very much the same story. I have been playing with the jetting and got it a bit wrong. The bike was slow and wooly even though i felt i was pushing harder, I did not finish any better off. I did catch Martin and Eddie but could not pass them.
Race three was a bit of a mess. Again i had been playing with the carb and went a bit over the top. This time the bike was going much faster and even though my start was not too good i was making progress. The bike was a bit off the boil at mid throttle but was revving out a tad more. I was just getting the hang of it when i flew round the last corner onto the start finish straight and changed into top gear and the thing seized solid. I coasted to the end of the straight and tried to bump it but it was still solid. I parked it by the barrier and sat back to watch the rest of them. They only came round one more time and the race was over. If the bike had seized half a lap later i could have freewheeled down Hairy hill and got a finish. (b*****d) The marshalls came over to give me a hand to remove the bike but they were not needed. I had been rocking the bike in gear as it cooled down and it freed up. I had good compression so i bumped her up and off she went as if nothing had happened.
Race four was a better result but as i had to change the jetting to avoid another nip it was not so fast. Others had broken down or crashed handing me a better place and even one finishers bonus point.
There will be no Tightwads Alternative Tuning (T.W.A.T) this week as i have not had any time to do any.
If you like what you see and would like to sponser the Tighwad bike for next season please get in touch. e-mail siredward@btinternet.com and make someone happy (me)
Thats it for now so tune in next week when i will be sifting through Charlie Edmonds bin fir some better parts.