Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Hello once again,
Not alot to show for all the work that has gone into the bike this week. As you all know the super hero life can be busy at times and i have saved the planet quite a few times this week as well as chase some Iranians about the Countryside.(that did actually happen)
So what have i done so far. Well the casing has been ported and so has the barrel transfers but still have to do the exhaust and inlet ports. The headset has been painted and so have the forks. The frame is away being blasted and powder coated. Now i know what you are thinking "I bet that cost a few quid" and indeed it will. If i were to clean down the frame and paint it, it would be cheaper but would take forever to do and my local powder coater is very cheap.
This brings me onto the subject of paint. I managed to get hold of some paint for nothing. One of my local paint suppliers was throwing out some out of date paint so i had it. It does however mean that the bike will be all the same colour, but not all the same shade. I am not that bothered as it will still look better than alot of them out there.
And now the bad news. I searched and searcheed through the Tightwad cave but could not find and decent tyres, so i had to buy some "50 flippin quid" the robbing b******s. Anyway its done now and even though i feel i have been had it could not be avoided. As you can see from the picture i have only one wheel, but i a sure i have another one somewhere and i will dig it out later.
Lets do....
TightWads Alternative Tuning (T.W.A.T)
Inflate your tyres with Helium. As it is lighter than air it will give a better power to weight ratio.
Tune in next week when I shall be e-mailing everyone on ebay and asking if it is gold plated for that price you s**t bag.
Not alot to show for all the work that has gone into the bike this week. As you all know the super hero life can be busy at times and i have saved the planet quite a few times this week as well as chase some Iranians about the Countryside.(that did actually happen)
So what have i done so far. Well the casing has been ported and so has the barrel transfers but still have to do the exhaust and inlet ports. The headset has been painted and so have the forks. The frame is away being blasted and powder coated. Now i know what you are thinking "I bet that cost a few quid" and indeed it will. If i were to clean down the frame and paint it, it would be cheaper but would take forever to do and my local powder coater is very cheap.
This brings me onto the subject of paint. I managed to get hold of some paint for nothing. One of my local paint suppliers was throwing out some out of date paint so i had it. It does however mean that the bike will be all the same colour, but not all the same shade. I am not that bothered as it will still look better than alot of them out there.
And now the bad news. I searched and searcheed through the Tightwad cave but could not find and decent tyres, so i had to buy some "50 flippin quid" the robbing b******s. Anyway its done now and even though i feel i have been had it could not be avoided. As you can see from the picture i have only one wheel, but i a sure i have another one somewhere and i will dig it out later.
Lets do....
TightWads Alternative Tuning (T.W.A.T)
Inflate your tyres with Helium. As it is lighter than air it will give a better power to weight ratio.
Tune in next week when I shall be e-mailing everyone on ebay and asking if it is gold plated for that price you s**t bag.
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
The Engine of extreme hope.

Hello my friends. This week i have been piecing together some old tat from the Tightwad cave floor. And stone me if I don't have the best part of an engine kicking about. The basis of my build is a Spanish casing that i was given on account that it had a hole in it where you should'nt have one. So I have welded this up and collected a few other bits and I will be Tuning it later this week. The piston is a freebie as well and even the rings are good. The crank is a bit of a weak spot as it is as Indian as Ghandi's flip flops. I am working on the theory that as you can pick up low milage Indian cranks very cheap or even for nothing (as i did) that even if they only last a couple of meetings you can change them and save a fortune. (this could be a stupid theory)
I will be using specialist tools such as the hammer of "ooohyafucker" and the grinder of "kinell" to tune this engine and will be using alien technology to do this. This knowlege was taken from an unidentified object found in Birmingham. (no, not a tax disc)
Time for TightWads Alternative Tuning! (T.W.A.T)
Coat your big end bearing with baby shit (the stickyest substance known to man) And it will never wear out.
Tune in next week and hear me tell a well known scooter dealer that he is a "money grabbing pikey"
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Go on then, who are you?

Hello one and all, Captain Tightwad at your service. My mission in life is to save the planet and build a racing scooter for as little as possible. Why? i hear you ask. Because super hero's need a hobby as well. As a dedicated scooterist and hoarder i was rummaging through the Tightwad cave and found bits i had forgotten about and it occured to me that i had nearly enough bits to build a bike. Why a racer? Restorations are good but a racer looks good fun and it will take my mind off the super villans i fight daily on a day to day basis. It is my intention to put this bike on the track for £350.
The project got off to a shakey start when i found that one of the parts that was missing was the frame. I had no choice but to buy one and so i tracked down a serveta frame for £100.(I feel sick)
At this point i would like to introduce you to a regular slot on my blog and that is,
the TightWad Alternative Tuning or T.W.A.T as i call it.
This weaks entry involves rust. Let your components rust in the garage for a few years and then have them shotblasted. This will clean off the outer layer of metal and make your bike that bit lighter. Also remove the mirrors.
Tune in next week when we will be looking at the engine and you can hear me say,
"How much!!!!?, you can f**k off"
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