Hello one and all, Captain Tightwad at your service. My mission in life is to save the planet and build a racing scooter for as little as possible. Why? i hear you ask. Because super hero's need a hobby as well. As a dedicated scooterist and hoarder i was rummaging through the Tightwad cave and found bits i had forgotten about and it occured to me that i had nearly enough bits to build a bike. Why a racer? Restorations are good but a racer looks good fun and it will take my mind off the super villans i fight daily on a day to day basis. It is my intention to put this bike on the track for £350.
The project got off to a shakey start when i found that one of the parts that was missing was the frame. I had no choice but to buy one and so i tracked down a serveta frame for £100.(I feel sick)
At this point i would like to introduce you to a regular slot on my blog and that is,
the TightWad Alternative Tuning or T.W.A.T as i call it.
This weaks entry involves rust. Let your components rust in the garage for a few years and then have them shotblasted. This will clean off the outer layer of metal and make your bike that bit lighter. Also remove the mirrors.
Tune in next week when we will be looking at the engine and you can hear me say,
"How much!!!!?, you can f**k off"
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